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Merge / deprecation announcement:

ReduxKit and Swift-Flow have joined forces! The result is ReSwift.

The nitty gritty: We decided to deprecate ReduxKit and keep it as a reference implementation of how an almost exact Redux implementation in Swift can be accomplished.

Swift-Flow has adopted the name ReSwift and moved to it’s new home as a nod to it’s Redux roots that remain at it’s core. Going forward, our combined efforts will be focused on ReSwift and surrounding tooling.


  • Will no longer be actively maintained
  • Will remain as a reference implementation of Redux in Swift
  • Pull requests are still welcome

What are you waiting for? Go get started with ReSwift today!


ReduxKit is a swift implementation of the JavaScript Redux library by Dan Abramov and the React Community. ReduxKit stays as close as possible to Redux while bringing in Swift ways of doing things where appropriate.

A thorough walk through and description of the framework can be found at the official Redux repository: Redux.

It is currently implemented in a few swift apps and is frequently updated. Additions, middleware and help will be very much appreciated! So if you’re trying it out and have any suggestions - feel free to post an issue and I’ll be on it.
